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Friday, October 13, 2006
Angelides Snubs Breakfast: Loses Race
The glum-looking fellow on the right is wondering what to do next. He just blew his chance at being elected California's Governor. Here's what happened today:
When Phil Angelides snubbed Willie Brown's Breakfast of Champions political power breakfast this morning here in San Francisco he all but publicly announced that he is giving up and handing the election to Arnold Schwarzenegger. More than 950 local and statewide political power brokers and elected officials attended the breakfast event hosted by former San Francisco Mayor and former Speaker of the California State Assembly, Willie Brown.
Everyone in the high-stakes politics game was at the breakfast this morning: Senator Barbara Boxer, Senate President Don Perata, Mayor Gavin Newsom, Jerry Brown and even Governor Arnold Schawrzenegger.Angelides was invited a number of times directly by Brown, but he failed to show.
Gavin Newsom, trying to be as diplomatic as possible, said, "He chose not to be here, he could've been here and I objectively think it's a mistake. But you know, it was the choice he made. He feels his time could be better used somewhere else instead."
Seasoned political observers recognize this as the biggest blunder of the faltering Angelides campaign and has led a number of observers to conclude: Angelides just gave away the election. Schawrzenegger is going to be re-elected.After decades of being a faithful lap-dog for the California Democratic Party, when given his chance at the brass ring, Phil Angelides fell flat on his face.
Phil Angelides is history.
Anonymous said...
You didn't mention that Willie Brown said Phil Angelides is a "just a younger, glasses-wearing version of (former Governor) Gray Davis"
I just hope Angelides doesn't hurt the Democratic Party's election chances any more than he already has.
With Democrats like Phil Angelides, the Republicans don't really to do much at all except let Angelides lead his party down the drain.
The way I see it, the election is not about Phil Angelides or Arnold Scwarzenegger. Angelides represents the Democratic ticket. When we cast a vote for Angelides we cast a vote for putting the Democrats in power in Sacramento. That's why it is still important to support Angelides, not because of him, but because of the ticket. I admit Angelides is about as interesting and exciting as a cardboard cutout, but he's all we have.
You didn't mention that Willie Brown said Phil Angelides is a "just a younger, glasses-wearing version of (former Governor) Gray Davis"
I just hope Angelides doesn't hurt the Democratic Party's election chances any more than he already has.
With Democrats like Phil Angelides, the Republicans don't really to do much at all except let Angelides lead his party down the drain.
The way I see it, the election is not about Phil Angelides or Arnold Scwarzenegger. Angelides represents the Democratic ticket. When we cast a vote for Angelides we cast a vote for putting the Democrats in power in Sacramento. That's why it is still important to support Angelides, not because of him, but because of the ticket. I admit Angelides is about as interesting and exciting as a cardboard cutout, but he's all we have.
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