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Sunday, August 19, 2007
SF Housing Authority's Back-Room Deal
"The money is still owed,"Housing Authority chief Gregg Fortner said, "and the school district will probably ask for it after you run the article."
A sobering story in today's Matier & Ross column in this morning's Sunday Chronicle lit a fuse under me. It appears the City has been giving a completely unethical and totally illegal under-the-table subsidy to the Nation of Islam out at the old Navy Yard at Hunter's Point.
In the photo: Minister Christopher Muhammad of the Nation of Islam
Just when we have had a dry period without too many City scandals (except, of course, the continuing soap operas produced by Chris Daly and Ed Jew) this pops up!
It looks like former mayor Willie Brown gave a back-room sweetheart deal toMinister Christopher Muhammad of the Nation of Islam. Through tricks, ommissions and blind eyes it turned out that the San Francisco City Housing Authority has illegally been allowing Muhammad to occupy city property free of charge for five years. Muhammad was supposed to pay $2,000 a month rent. So far, he has paid zippo, nada, nothing.
Muhammad has the nerve to claim that he is running a religious, charitable non-profit organization that operates a school. What is he teaching his students - how to work the system and learn to cheat and defraud the government?
Worse, now it appears the School district will probably get around to asking for the money now that the Chronicle ran the story. You mean it takes an expose by the newspaper before the San Francisco Unified School District and the San Francisco Public Housing Authority obey the law and do their legal duty?
Are they crooked to the core at the School District AND the Housing Authority? How deep does this scandal go?
We need to start cleaning house over at the Housing Authority. This would be grounds for the immediate termination of the CEO in any publicly owned and shareholder-controlled corporation caught in a similar scandal. If the department heads are allowed to keep their jobs, I will sure be interested in reading the reasoning behind such decisions.
As for the school district, well, this is a big bucket of mud that is going to be dumped all over the school board members when they try to run for re-election. If there has ever been time to clean house, this is it!
This is much more than an accidental oversight. This could not have happened, and continued happening, without the conspiratorial cooperation of a significant number of ranking staff on both the School District and the Housing Authority. We need District Attorney Kamala Harris to launch a full and formal investigation and she may need the assistance of the State Attorney General's Office. We must discover whether this is a criminal act or merely gross ineptitude.
Don't blame the students in the school and don't shut down the school. Blame Christopher Muhammad and his buddies at the SF Housing Authority who agreed to conveniently forget to collect any rent from Muhammad.
I would like to see the D.A. grill the members of the SFHA Commission. How much did they know? Were any of the Commissioners involved in this conspiracy to defraud the people of San Francisco?
Let's hear from the commissioners. They are Reverend George Woodruff, Reverend Amos Brown, Neota Gans, George brown, Irene Riley, Millard Larkin and Jane Hsu.
All of those commissioners are appointed by the Mayor, so let's get some answers from him as well.
As for Gregg Fortner, the SFHA Executive Director - fire him and send him packing.
Monday, August 20, 2007 1:28:00 PM PDT
Anonymous said...
how much good is coming from the school it is most likely thirty time better than the public school and i bet my life Min christopher is making a big impacted in the lives of many in the area do not be mad when he chrisopher come out on top the only mud in this whole thing is wasted timed on negative energy
Monday, September 17, 2007 11:00:00 PM PDT
Anonymous said...
Did you read the comment above this one? If the author's writing and grammar skills are indicative of the quality of education offered by "Min christopher", we should take measures to have his teaching credentials terminated if, in fact, he has any at all.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007 4:28:00 PM PDT
Anonymous said...
I know first hand that MUI "the school" is a light at the end off a dark tunnel for those who live in the bayveiw area and have been let down by the SFUSD. Is it the fault of Min.Muhammad that the SFHA can't dot I's and Cross T's? I think that the school is there to up lift the bloody streets of that bayveiw so if there has been no rent paid for five years so be it.... I would take education over death any day... and in ref. to the comment above every body knows that Freedom, Justice, Equality, and Indepenace is one of the true fundamentals of M.U.I education and with this my friend you don't need teaching creds... just true knowledge of self in which Min. Muhammad is over qualified.
Don't blame the students in the school and don't shut down the school. Blame Christopher Muhammad and his buddies at the SF Housing Authority who agreed to conveniently forget to collect any rent from Muhammad.
I would like to see the D.A. grill the members of the SFHA Commission. How much did they know? Were any of the Commissioners involved in this conspiracy to defraud the people of San Francisco?
Let's hear from the commissioners. They are Reverend George Woodruff, Reverend Amos Brown, Neota Gans, George brown, Irene Riley, Millard Larkin and Jane Hsu.
All of those commissioners are appointed by the Mayor, so let's get some answers from him as well.
As for Gregg Fortner, the SFHA Executive Director - fire him and send him packing.
how much good is coming from the school it is most likely thirty time better than the public school and i bet my life Min christopher is making a big impacted in the lives of many in the area do not be mad when he chrisopher come out on top the only mud in this whole thing is wasted timed on negative energy
Did you read the comment above this one? If the author's writing and grammar skills are indicative of the quality of education offered by "Min christopher", we should take measures to have his teaching credentials terminated if, in fact, he has any at all.
I know first hand that MUI "the school" is a light at the end off a dark tunnel for those who live in the bayveiw area and have been let down by the SFUSD. Is it the fault of Min.Muhammad that the SFHA can't dot I's and Cross T's? I think that the school is there to up lift the bloody streets of that bayveiw so if there has been no rent paid for five years so be it.... I would take education over death any day... and in ref. to the comment above every body knows that Freedom, Justice, Equality, and Indepenace is one of the true fundamentals of M.U.I education and with this my friend you don't need teaching creds... just true knowledge of self in which Min. Muhammad is over qualified.
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