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Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Florence Fang's Writer Tries to Murder Family

Do you remember Kenneth Eng? He's the nut-case racist from New York who was recruited by the Fang Family to write a series of articles for their San Francisco tabloid paper, Asian Week. Eng is the creep who wrote articles in Asian Week titled, "Why I Hate Blacks" and "Proof that Whites Inherently Hate Us".

By the way, that's Florence Fang in the photo. More about her later, but first, read this breaking story out of New York:

Kenneth Eng was just arrested in New York by NYPD and charged with attempted assault, menacing, possession of a weapon and harassment. He threatened to murder an entire family and their pet. Eng's attorney has petitioned the court to allow Eng to undergo a mental exam. It's going to be either the nut farm or the prison farm for creepy Kenneth Eng.

Meanwhile, back here in San Francisco, the Fang family's decision to employ Kenneth Eng goes well beyond incompetence.

The Fangs have left a trail a destruction and incompetence wherever they have been.
They bought the Examiner from the Hearst Corporation and promptly ran it into the ground - but not before they turned the once-proud "monarch of the dailies" into a cheap pulp tabloid rag.

Then the Fangs sold the Examiner to a right-wing out-of-state conservative owner who is on the opposite side on just about every issue of importance to San Franciscans.

Now the poor Examiner is a tabloid rag that's not worth the cheap paper on which it is printed. I suppose that's why the Examiner is no longer sold. Nobody wants to buy it anymore.
The Examiner delivery people just toss it around on the streets to make us think they really have a readership. All over the City you can find old, yellowed rolled-up and rubber-banded Examiners in gutters, empty lots and back alleys.

Not content to wreck one of the nation's famous daily newspapers, the Fangs turned their attention to Asian Week, which they also own. The Fangs hired a writer from New York who billed himself as an Asian Supremacist. Why in hell did the Fangs hire someone they knew to be racist and a hate monger? What were they thinking? What in the world is wrong with Florence Fang, James Fang and Ted Fang? Are they closet racists? Are they Asian Supremacists? Are they the Ku Klux Fang? Or, maybe they are just plain knuckle-dragging stupid. That would, at least, explain their record of continuously repeated gross incompetence.

By the way, most of the media and blogosphere coverage of this affair have pointed to Ted Fang as being the culprit responsible for hiring and defending Kenneth Eng. The power behind Ted, however, is Florence Fang, who does her best to dictate to Ted and James how the family businesses should be run.

If you are as old as I am (which is doubtful) you may remember
the term "Dragon Lady". This slangy term was originally the name of a villainous Asian woman in Milton Caniff's popular cartoon strip Terry and the Pirates (1934-1973), which ran in many newspapers. It was transferred to more general use in the mid-1900s. It generally means a domineering, belligerent and villainous woman.

I wrote about the Fangs and Kenneth Eng in February and I want to bring back the article as reference. All the gruesome details of Kenneth Eng's racist writings are described in the story. It follows below:

From Wednesday, February 28, 2007 - Sam Spade's San Francisco

By now just about everyone has heard about the Fang's newspaper and the horribly racist article they published. Kenneth Eng, a writer who works for the Fang family, wrote an opinion piece titled "Why I Hate Blacks". The horrifying element of the story is not that Eng wrote the piece, but that the Fangs, who own and manage Asian Week, agreed to publish the piece. Doesn't that give the article the Fang Stamp of Approval?

The Fangs knew that Kenneth Eng is a racist. They had that knowledge well in advance of his "Why I Hate Blacks" article. On November 24th he published another inflammatory article, "Proof that Whites Inherently Hate Us" that ended with these incendiary words, "We vastly outnumber them (white people). When you have a disobedient child, you do not give him gifts to make him abide to your will. You show him the cane".

Not content with that article in November, Eng wrote another inflammatory hate piece this past January. Although he cleverly titled the story, "Why I Hate Asians", the true meaning and intent of the story became evident by the second sentence, which was, "The first thing I hate about Asians in America is how so many of them want to suck up to whites."

With this evidence clearly on the table, it is absolutely inexcusable that Florence Fang (Chairwoman of Asian Week), James Fang (President of Asian Week) and Ted Fang (Editor-at-Large of Asian Week) allowed Kenneth Eng to continue his relationship with Asian Week.

This latest cruel and hateful attack on African Americans is absolutely over the limits. It is unacceptable, inexcusable and completely reprehensible. Asian Week should not be published by the Fang family. The Fangs have so thoroughly humiliated and disgraced themselves, that they should never again be in a position of public trust.

It is the Fang family, not Kenneth Eng, who seem to be the instigators and hate-promoters here. The Fangs knew well in advance that Kenneth Eng is a racial supremacist by his own admission. On January 12, 2007 Kenneth Eng wrote these words that he used to describe why he was writing a hate piece that was published by the Fangs in Asian Week, "It seems like an odd title for an article written by an Asian Supremacist."

Kenneth Eng is a unrepentant racist. The Fangs knew that about Eng, yet they still permitted him to continue his relationship with Asian Week. The Fangs must have approved Eng's message. It is their newspaper and they have absolute and total control over the newspaper's operations.

This is just my opinion, of course, but I am entitled to mine just as much as the Fangs and Kenneth Eng are entitled to theirs.


Anonymous said...

The story of Kenneth Eng and the Fang Family sounds like something out of one of Anne Rice's vampire novels. Does anyone really know how the Fangs got their name?

And ... talking about creeps ... Kenneth Eng reminds me a lot of Charles Eng, the sexually sadistic mass murderer who imprisoned and tortured people in his California basement dungeon some decades ago. Are they related?

And finally, why does the Falun Gong spend so much time protesting in front of the Chinese Consulate when they can be more relevant by staging their protests in front of the Fang's headquarters. The Fangs are doing much more PR damage to the San Francisco Chinese community than are is the Chinese government in Beijing. Let's get real here.

Oh ... and I wonder how much it is costing the City to pick-up and recycle all those tons of Examiners that are tossed all over the city. Isn't it still a crime to intentionally litter?

Anonymous said...

People like Florence Fang and Family Fang are the Chinese community's worst enemy. They perpetuate tired old stereotypes of the Dragon Lady and her evil minions.

We thought we got rid of that stereotype with the racist old Charlie Chan movies, but Florence Fang has brought it all back. She's like an evil anti-superhero in a comic book.

It's pathetic.

Anonymous said...

I worked for a local newspaper for awhile and I used to hear horror stories about working for the Fangs.

I think about the poor people who have to work in that sweat shop.

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