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Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Waiting for Death at City College
I am bringing back a story that was published here last week. This morning a deranged student dressed in combatcamouflagescreamed at the students of a physics class at City College of San Francisco that he was going to kill everybody.
According to a breaking story covered by the San FranciscoChronicle,CCSFPolice Chief CarlKoehlersaid college police, who are not permitted by the college Board of Trustees to carry firearms, called San Francisco Police who arrived in approximately seven minutes.
While the response time forSFPDisacceptable, I cannot help ask the questions:
How many shots can be fired from an automatic weapon in seven minutes?
How many students can be shot and killed in seven minutes?
Seven minutes can cost dozens of lives.
And what about theCCSFpolice officers? Chancellor Day sent those men into a potentially deadly confrontation UNARMED. He was sending them to their potential deaths.
Chancellor Philip Day arrogantly told the Chronicle last week that "there is a preferred mode of dealing with students and faculty, and those methods do not include arming our police."
EvidentlyChancellor Day is not aware of what can happen in seven minutes.
Unless Chancellor Day, with the full support of Dr. Anita Grier, President of the Board of Trustees, and with the agreement of the full board, immediately changes course and authorizes sworn POST-certified police officers to carry service weapons, then any future blood spilled atCCSFby a gunman will be clear and irrefutable evidence of their gross negligence and ineptitude.
If the policy does not change - and change DAMN SOON - Chancellor Day should be fired and the dissenting members of the Board of Trustees recalled.
Here then, is the original story as it was published in this blog last week:
In light of the Virginia Tech murders, City College of San Francisco Chancellor Philip Day defended his decision to keep campus police unarmed by telling MatthewStannardand TanyaShevitzof the San FranciscoChronicle,"There is a preferred mode of dealing with students and faculty, and those methods do not include arming our police."
Carl Koehler, the City College Police Chief, has another point of view. He said Day's policy leaves his department at a disadvantage. "When something happens, minutes are very important..."
Philip Day wants those minutes spent by unarmed campus police officers doing whatever they can to save lives when an emergency occurs. If those minutes are spent confronting a mentally disturbed gunman armed with a semi-automatic weapon it will result in the deaths of those unarmed police officers, students, staff, faculty members and anybody else who gets in the way.
The CCSF Police Department must have adequate funding to provide academy-trained POST-certified uniformed and armed sworn police officers on duty at all times in addition to whatever number of unarmed cadets are desired. Likewise, CCSF needs a chancellor willing to make the tough decisions and protect the sons and daughters of the people of San Francisco. The political climate in San Francisco is definitely anti-gun. The members of theCCSFBoard of Trustees are a group of people who are also predominantly anti-gun. It is an easy, safe, no-ruffles decision for Chancellor Day to keep theCCSFPolice Department unarmed.
It is also an asinine decision.
Hopefully it will not take an insane gunman armed with a full clip and a semi-automatic weapon to prove that Day's decision is so completely irresponsible and negligent.
Anonymous said...
We need to demand that our community college protects our students. The UCSF campus has armed police and students there are every bit as committed to peace and gun control and non-violence as students at CCSF. The difference is spineless and weak leadership at CCSF. Chancellor Day and the entire Board of Trustees are going to become some of the most despised and hated people in San Francisco if they are wrong and a gunman goes on a killing rampage at City College.
Isn't it about the same as inviting crazy killers to come to City College and go crazy shooting people? I mean, if CCSF advertises to the world that their poiice officers are all unarmed and nobody on campus has a gun, won't that make it easy for a killer or a terrorists to pick City College? The killer or terrorist wouldn't pick SF Strate ot UCSF because their police officers carry guns. They would pick the school that doesn't allow their cops to carry guns.
Stupid, sdupid, stupud!
Wednesday, April 18, 2007 12:12:00 PM PDT
Anonymous said...
If the SFCCD Board of Trustees and Chancellor Day continue to keep CCSF police officers unarmed, then at very least a careful and extensive study should be done to identify ways in improve and tighten campus security. Perhaps by tightening security it may help prevent problems.
Also, everyone should know that ordering a sworn police officer to go on duty without a firearm is pretty much the same thing as sending that officer to his or her death. If a gunman ever does come on campus,CCSF police officers will still try to do their duty. If they are unarmed it will almost surely result in their deaths.
If that happens, how well will Chancellor Day and the Board of Trustees sleep than night?
I hope CCSF comes to it's senses... Why pay for a full-time police force if they cannot respond to the incidents that require police. They might as well fire everyone and hire secuirty guards. It would be cheaper.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007 4:23:00 PM PDT
Anonymous said...
I find it amusing that these administrators who clearly do not have a shred of experience or expertise in law enforcement matters, choose to completely ignore the opinions of police officers, police chiefs and security experts who have publicly denounced this absolutly absurd policy. Do they really think that they are smarter than these people and know better!?
Wednesday, April 25, 2007 4:35:00 PM PDT
Anonymous said...
Wednesday, April 25, 2007 6:47:00 PM PDT
Anonymous said...
From the SF Chronicle 4/18/07......
Trustees of City College of San Francisco voted Tuesday night to spend $75,000 to hire an investigator for a "full prompt and fair" inquiry into the newspaper's report that a college official had diverted $10,000 in college funds to a political committee promoting a college bond measure....
spend $75 thousand to investigate the misappropriation of $10 thousand.... I have to echo the 'stupid' and 'dim-wit' comments of previous posters....
I've got a much better idea how that money could be spent...
Carl Koehler, CCSF Police Chief: "In this day and age, there are guns on campus, but the police don't have them."
The carnage at Virginia Tech convinced Chief Koehler even more that his officers need to be armed. But he was fighting a 70-year-old college policy prohibiting its officers from carrying guns.
In the end, Chief Koehler lost. He resigned this week.
He said in an e-mail to his officers, "the reasons are many, but mainly evolve around my proposal to arm the district police officers."
Peter Goldstein, CCSF Vice Chancellor: "The police force does not carry weapons... I guess he felt that ultimately didn't fit in with his vision of where the department should be."
CCSF Board is a joke, pompus - arrogant idiots. UCSF, SF State, USF, UOP - all "higher institutions of learning" and all have armed, good peace officers by selection standards and CCSF has good personnel working there, people who want to make a difference. This doesn't even include the many other private colleges in SF that have armed security personnel.
In this day and age with all that now happens IN and AROUND the campuses, from the Stockton schoolyard shooting to the VA tech incident and everything in between INCLUDING the 2003 homicide at CCSF - the smart choice was not made here. What a joke the Board members ALL are ....
So much for looking our for the sons and daughters of SF (and beyond). Someone asked, how will so and so sleep at night? I bet you regardless, like a little girl.
We need to demand that our community college protects our students. The UCSF campus has armed police and students there are every bit as committed to peace and gun control and non-violence as students at CCSF. The difference is spineless and weak leadership at CCSF. Chancellor Day and the entire Board of Trustees are going to become some of the most despised and hated people in San Francisco if they are wrong and a gunman goes on a killing rampage at City College.
Why can't those dim-wits see past their noses?
Isn't it about the same as inviting crazy killers to come to City College and go crazy shooting people? I mean, if CCSF advertises to the world that their poiice officers are all unarmed and nobody on campus has a gun, won't that make it easy for a killer or a terrorists to pick City College? The killer or terrorist wouldn't pick SF Strate ot UCSF because their police officers carry guns. They would pick the school that doesn't allow their cops to carry guns.
Stupid, sdupid, stupud!
If the SFCCD Board of Trustees and Chancellor Day continue to keep CCSF police officers unarmed, then at very least a careful and extensive study should be done to identify ways in improve and tighten campus security. Perhaps by tightening security it may help prevent problems.
Also, everyone should know that ordering a sworn police officer to go on duty without a firearm is pretty much the same thing as sending that officer to his or her death. If a gunman ever does come on campus,CCSF police officers will still try to do their duty. If they are unarmed it will almost surely result in their deaths.
If that happens, how well will Chancellor Day and the Board of Trustees sleep than night?
The idea of police officers carrying guns on campus is a little scary, but not as scary as students carrying guns or as scary as a funeral.
Gunman Fired 170+ Shots
After 9-minute Va. Tech massacre, Seung-Hui Cho killed himself in a classroom surrounded by victims. AP
Even if SFPD responded in 7 minutes, alot of lives are still at stake. City College has a police force 24hrs. a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
I hope CCSF comes to it's senses... Why pay for a full-time police force if they cannot respond to the incidents that require police. They might as well fire everyone and hire secuirty guards. It would be cheaper.
I find it amusing that these administrators who clearly do not have a shred of experience or expertise in law enforcement matters, choose to completely ignore the opinions of police officers, police chiefs and security experts who have publicly denounced this absolutly absurd policy. Do they really think that they are smarter than these people and know better!?
From the SF Chronicle 4/18/07......
Trustees of City College of San Francisco voted Tuesday night to spend $75,000 to hire an investigator for a "full prompt and fair" inquiry into the newspaper's report that a college official had diverted $10,000 in college funds to a political committee promoting a college bond measure....
spend $75 thousand to investigate the misappropriation of $10 thousand.... I have to echo the 'stupid' and 'dim-wit' comments of previous posters....
I've got a much better idea how that money could be spent...
At least their consistent in their anti-gun stupidity.
From ABC 7 News Exclusive 6/7/07...
Carl Koehler, CCSF Police Chief: "In this day and age, there are guns on campus, but the police don't have them."
The carnage at Virginia Tech convinced Chief Koehler even more that his officers need to be armed. But he was fighting a 70-year-old college policy prohibiting its officers from carrying guns.
In the end, Chief Koehler lost. He resigned this week.
He said in an e-mail to his officers, "the reasons are many, but mainly evolve around my proposal to arm the district police officers."
Peter Goldstein, CCSF Vice Chancellor: "The police force does not carry weapons... I guess he felt that ultimately didn't fit in with his vision of where the department should be."
CCSF Board is a joke, pompus - arrogant idiots. UCSF, SF State, USF, UOP - all "higher institutions of learning" and all have armed, good peace officers by selection standards and CCSF has good personnel working there, people who want to make a difference. This doesn't even include the many other private colleges in SF that have armed security personnel.
In this day and age with all that now happens IN and AROUND the campuses, from the Stockton schoolyard shooting to the VA tech incident and everything in between INCLUDING the 2003 homicide at CCSF - the smart choice was not made here. What a joke the Board members ALL are ....
So much for looking our for the sons and daughters of SF (and beyond). Someone asked, how will so and so sleep at night? I bet you regardless, like a little girl.
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